3-day winter package deal
The package starts after check in and ends on the last day after breakfast € 62,00 pppp* 5-day winter package deal
The package starts after check in and ends on the last day after breakfast € 132,00 pppp* 7-day winter package deal
The package starts after check in and ends on the last day after breakfast €168,00 pppp* |
3-day half-board winter package deal
€ 86,00 pppp* 5-day Half-board winter package deal
€ 170,00 pppp* 7-day Half-board package deal
€ 245,00 pppp* |
* pppa = per person per package
For single occupancy there is a surcharge of 30% of the package price.
For single occupancy there is a surcharge of 30% of the package price.